Before we seed the first track in your “Class War Music” playlist, I’d like to apologize to everyone for the absolute failure of not coordinating this with the 25th Anniversary of Aerosmith’s “Eat The Rich” that happened yesterday. The contrast between that era of excess and NEEDS would have been *chefs kiss*.
Secondly, very stoked to share this new video from NEEDS! “Eat the Rich…People’s Leftovers” from Limitations star’s Sean Orr as Sean Orr, actual high end restaurant dishwasher and frontman of NEEDS. I can’t possibly speak to Sean’s motivation for the song and video any better than he did himself with his essay reflecting on the song
It’s hard to explain. When people ask me what I do. I’m a dishwasher. Usually their response is, “Well, you want t be a cook right?” Or, “That’s also an important job.” Or, “Yeah, but you do other stuff too, right?” I wish it could say it’s just a means to some ill-defined and vague end, but it’s really not. It means everything to me. To be good. “To be of use. Like a horseshoe”. To be needed. (read the full essay here.)
Noisey Premiered the vid and were all aboard the class war call to arms. The message also resonated within NEEDS local ecosystem getting quite the response from Vancouver’s The Georgia Straight. If you’ve ever worked in a kitchen, then expect similar flashback vibes when you check out the video below.