Someone recently described Slam Dunk to me as “Pirate Punk” elaborating that as a genre it was a close relative of whatever you’d call the Dropkick Murphys. At first, I frantically tried to spin a counter argument, but then I realized that was both accurate and awesome and now I need to get a budget together for Slam Dunk to make a nautical themed video.

After a long recorded music hiatus that was filled with much adventure (like when they may have but not really went on tour with Arcade Fire), Slam Dunk are back with “Fucking Around”. The beautiful synergy of vocal synchronicity over the probably made up 10 minutes before hand groove that many will spend a lifetime and never emulate because they try it alone, is instantly familiar, addictive, and extremely frustrating because WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SLAM DUNK WHY DID YOU LEAVE US WHEN YOU HAD THIS PIECE OF WONDER JUST LAYING ABOUT WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HIDING FROM US?!?!!

Recorded and mixed by Colin Stewart at The Hive, Victoria, BC.
Mastered by Julian Marrs.

Slam Dunk Is:
Jordan Minkoff
Caitlin Gallupe
Duncan MacConnell
Luke Postl

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Slam Dunk - Fucking Around

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